We are on a junction

(It’s time to make a decision)
3 way junction for humanity
Road towards world peace

Whether we like it or not,
Humanity on planet Earth has reached a point in it’s evolution where we have to decide how we want to continue.
Although in theory we may have multiple options, it will boil down to just 3 basic ones :

  1. Keep doing as we always did  (a.k.a. “The Old Normal”)
  2. Adapt to the plans of the New World Order (a.k.a.: “Build Back Better”)
  3. We design our own future

Now if we – citizens of planet Earth- do not act, a relatively small group of extremely rich and powerful people will take full ownership.
This means that they will continue to overthrow or overrule all our (local/state) governments and transform our world into a single global state.
For more info on these plans, checkout the World Economics Forum website as just one of the multiple examples
Although it is a public secret, the same group of people have also invented and planned the Covid 19 pandemic,  so we can state beyond reasonable doubt that their true intentions are not what they are telling us.
Even worse, we have very good reasons to assume that their  utopia distopia is to establish a global totalitarian state where our basic human rights have come to a grinding halt and humans will be downgraded as part of their Transhumanism program..

Therefore, ruling out option 2, we might want to go back to option 1.
Back to  “the good old days”  where discrimination, war, terrorism, corruption, poverty, inequality and environmental pollution are just some examples of how this return to “The Old Normal” would look like.

So, if we rule out options 1 and 2, we can decide to go for a future where both world peace, a clean environment and our human rights are safeguarded..
Option 3 is where the Utolantis concept comes into the picture.

Utolantis in a nutshell:

Utolantis is a concept for a new human civilization.
It explains why humanity has been (and still is) at war with itself for at least the last 3000 years.
Once we understand the deepest root cause and actually learn from our past mistakes, we can start designing the framework for a new future civilization.
A framework that contains multiple quality gates that will protect us from making the same mistakes again (and again).
Now this may strike you as pretty bold and perhaps even arrogant, but if you are willing to open your mind and process the information on this site, you will see that it is actually pretty simple and straight forward.

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