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The Credit System
When you think about a (near) utopian world, you will probably not expect to find out that it includes a taxing system and (even worse) a “Social Credit” system.
I understand why you think like that.
But, is it wise?
No, I don’t think so.
So let me explain:
– What a tax system should be about
– Why a tax system is basically the same as an insurance system
– How Utolantis combines both systems into a Credit System
The basic taxing system:
We, humans are rather complex creatures.
On one hand, we want to be free, independent and go our own individual way without being bothered what other people do or think.

I guess it is right that we can even state that in every single (adult) person there is a force active that we could call: Natural Anarchy.
A basic and fundamental need to live our life the way we want to without external interference.
Yet, on the other hand, we can not deny the fact that, at the same time, we are also social creatures.
For the vast majority of us, life is so much more relaxed when others are doing things for us like cooking a meal or help building our new home.
After all, not all of us are ultimate survival experts like Ray Mears or Bear Grylis who sometimes seem to need nobody else.
So, most of us cherish our personal independence, but also love it when others supply us with comfort, a safe harbor to relax, or just provide us with a tasty meal, beautiful (art)work or just sharing some interesting thoughts with us.
And in return, to show our appreciation, we do something back in return for them.
And that is exactly what any tax system is basically all about!
Individuals “pay” taxes to the community, which can be money, services, consultancy or whatever there is demand for.
In return, individuals “Receive” services from the community, which can be healthcare, food, education or whatever there is public demand for.
So, in it’s purest form, it is just a ” give and take” mechanism between the individual and the community.
A system that works great as long as “Give” and “Take ” are in balance and the collected taxes are spent on topics that are in the interest of the individual people.
The Insurance system:
The basic concept of an insurance is Risk Management. In more detail, it is a Risk Mitigation.
You pay a given premium to a company on a regular basis Now if nothing bad happens, the insurance company gets rich since it collects your money.
But if something bad happens like you get seriously ill or you cause a fatal car accident, you may very well not have enough money to pay for that.
In that case, the insurance company takes over and pays for your debt.
Even in the case where your debt is larger than the total amount of premium you already payed to the insurance company.
So, in a sense, you pay to the community/Insurance company and (only if needed), you receive from the community.
The only basic difference is that “Give” and “Take” are not always in balance, and it is more like a gambling/risk management mechanism.
Utolantis Credit System:
Utolantis takes the concepts of taxes and insurances in it’s most basic shape and integrates them into the Credit System.
As mentioned in The High-Tech Nomad, people can reside in one of the many Communities for a period of their choice.
During this period, one can apply for any of the open vacancies, for which you receive your personal credits. The exact number of credits is something between you and the community. Of coarse there are generic guidelines, but in the end it is between you and the community.
Also during your stay in the community, you will be provided with all basic needs like food, a home and other facilities available in the given community.
For these services you will be charged an agreed number of credits.
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