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Recommended Pre Read: Crash Course World peace
Designing a Future
As mentioned in our Site Navigation Page, I suggest that we navigate through this website in 3 basic stages:
- Awareness
- Transformation
- The Utolantis Design
It is common and best practice to start any design with some requirements.
A list of criteria to which your design has to comply with.
And these criteria act as the baseline for the rest of the design.
Since if we don’t, there is a big chance that our new design will fail.
Take for example the famous French Revolution.
The people overthrew their government in a bloody massacre, but had no clue how to establish a better replacement.
So this left a power vacuum of which the likes of Robespierre took advantage. And they created a new government where the people eventually winded up in a situation that was far more worse during the infamous ” Reign of Terror”
Another pitfall to avoid is to design a civilization that only reflects your personal ideal world, since we need to make a design that suits all people.

In case you did not already check out the Crash Coarse World Peace, I recommend that you do this first to get a clearer picture.
What we want to avoid is to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again as we have done for the last few thousand years.
If we want to redesign our future where world peace is an integral part of it, we should not only switch towards a holistic worldview, but also prevent our new society from backsliding again towards religion or materialism. This prevention is also crucial for our design.
Design Criteria:
Planet Earth (a.k.a. Gaia/Mother Earth/etc.) controls and manages all our eco-systems.
We, humans have to act in full alignment with all these eco-systems.
Next to that we have to design our communities in such a way that it is in full alignment with the true and natural nature of humanity
In Utolantis this is organized by the following concepts:
Each individual person shall be given all opportunities to grow towards the highest levels of human potential.
In Utolantis terminology, we will refer to that as reaching the highest levels of the Maslow Pyramid.
Utolantis will provide all that is required for all individual people to experience a maximum of personal freedom.
Citizens of Utolantis are no longer tied to their country and/or it’s culture, but everybody is not only free, but also encouraged to travel the planet. and move from community to community as a High-Tech Nomad
Exceptions are only there for people in positions of power where your privacy rights will be inversely proportional to your level of power.
In Utolantis terminology this is called the “Anti Corruption Mechanism“
All people are equal in value, but they are unique as an individual.
And these 2 statements must be cherished at all times.
Each situation, challenge or problem will require a certain personality.
For example, in case of an immediate crisis situation, you want to have “Rambo-type” of persons who can think and act decisive and fast.
Whereas in a more complicated decision making situation you may prefer a ” Dalai Lama-type” of person.
So you can have completely different types of persons in completely different situations and you should not state that one type is more valuable than the other.
In Utolantis this is safeguarded by it’s education system.
As already mentioned, Utolantis is based upon the Holistic worldview, since that is the only option for a civilization to thrive in peace.
But that does not mean that …………
To prevent our society to backslide towards elements of religion or materialism, we need to secure this by bringing in some security measures.
Measures like:
Recommended Post Read: The High-Tech Nomad