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Energy Supply
Current Situation:
At this time, we have several sources to use for generating our energy supply, so which one (or combination of ) should we use?
– Fossil Fuels (oil, gas, coals)?
– Renewable (wind, solar, geothermal)
– Nuclear ( fission or fusion)
They all have their own pro’s and con’s
Fossil Fuels:
They are widely available and you can easily regulate the amount of energy you want to generate out of it.
They are non-renewable so we will run out of them eventually. Next to that is the level of pollution they generate.
The amount of energy we can extract from wind, solar and other sources is limitless.
In times when they can generate more power than required, they need to be (partially/temporary) shut down or store their energy elsewhere in a backup mechanism like a battery.
This kind of energy is depending on sources like wind and sunshine which is simply not always available, and therefor must always run next to another source (like fossil or nuclear) which can be regulated.
Like fossil fuels, especially wind turbines and solar cells generate a lot of pollution since these products can not be recycled and therefor generate tons of waste products.
As far as the availability of nuclear sources ( Uranium or Thorium) is concerned, we have way more of that, especially Thorium when compared to fossil fuels. It is however not limitless available.
Also like fossil fuels, you can regulate the amount of energy generated to match the actual demand.
Nuclear power plants are expensive to build and maintain due to their complexity and safety systems.
The biggest issue with nuclear power stations is however their radioactive waste for which we still after several decades have found not a single solution that is really effective.
Thorium reactors however, are far less dangerous, but you can not create nuclear weapons with thorium, so we have not built them so far.
Suppressed or confiscated Technology:
Next to the 3 above mentioned energy sources (fossil, renewable and nuclear) there is very likely a 4th one: Free Energy!
The idea of Free Energy (in a nutshell) is basically as follows:
The space between our sub-atomic particles is not just a vacuum, but it is actually a sea of pure energy.
We only need to tap into this field of energy and transform it into electricity.
Although Nicola Tesla was not the first one to experiment with the concept of Free Energy, it there was one person who could actually get it realized, I expect that Tesla would be that person.
Although I am not (yet) 100% convinced ( Note: Personal opinion) that this technology would really be possible, I would not be shocked if evidence would show that it does exist.
If Free Energy is actually possible, then everything changes dramatically!
It would certainly explain why so many inventions are suppressed or confiscated by the powers that be.
And this is NOT a conspiracy story, since there is actually a US law (The Invention Secrecy Act from 1951) that admits openly that it contains about 6000 patents/inventions that have been confiscated or suppressed.
For those who want to learn more about this topic, I recommend the video by Steven Greer: The Lost Century
Energy Supply in Utolantis
In Utolantis all communities must be self sustaining for as well the food supply as well as it’s energy supply.
The BIG QUESTION however will be what energy sources will be available.
Or more specific: Will Free Energy be available as an energy source?
Good to know is that Utolantis is based upon a holistic worldview instead of materialism.
Also in the process of transforming from our current world towards the Utolantis civilization, there will be an important program running:
The Re-Integrity Program.
Part of this program will be a disclosure of all confiscated and suppressed technology and new experiments to investigate if these claims were true or false.
Next to that there will be new experiments on Free Energy.
Personally I hope and expect that Free Energy (or something quite similar) will become available in time.
Nevertheless, for powering Utolantis communities, I will describe 2 scenario’s, with and without Free Energy.
Scenario 1: Energy Supply without Free Energy
Without Free energy, we are still depending on the existing sources (fossil, renewable and nuclear), but we will use it in a much more effective way.
We should certainly look at nuclear energy again with a fresh view.
First of all we should focus more on fusion technology.
Almost all of our current nuclear power plants are of the type: fission, where we use uranium as resource, but there are 2 more options which are much better:
- Thorium ( type = fission, resource = Thorium )
- Fusion ( type = fusion, resource = Deuterium & Tritium)
Fusion: Energy Source of the future
Challenge however is that this technology is still in experimental stage since we run into a lot of technical issues.
These issues are heat related since we need to create an environment that can create temperatures exceeding 100 million degrees Celsius at intense pressure.
Since the technology is still in experimental stage, we can not (yet) say that much about the flexibility of this technology, but it is pretty unlikely that we can make them small and mobile.
Unlike Fusion reactors, thorium reactors have been there since the 1950’s where we have seen some successful prototypes that actually worked.
But at the same time we also had the first operational Uranium based power plants and the reason we have chosen for Uranium is because we can use them to also create nuclear weapons with them. Therefor the development of Thorium technology was abandoned for many years until recently.
China has announced recently that it will have Thorium power plants commercially available in 2029.
Like Uranium reactors, Thorium reactors can be scaled up and down and therefor adjust to the actual demand of that moment.
Unfortunate, also Thorium reactors produce radioactive waste although much less in amount and danger.
There are even versions which claim that thorium technology can be used to recycle radioactive waste into innocent products
Introducing: The Thorium Nuclear Reactor
Summarized, we can state that, in case Free Energy will not be available, Utolantis will still be powered by fossil, renewable and nuclear power, but without the current Uranium based fission technology which is very dangerous and toxic.
New technologies need to be made available to recycle the current radioactive waste and also new waste.
Also for renewable energy , especially for solar panels and wind turbines, we need solutions to recycle the waste products.
Scenario 2: Energy Supply with Free Energy
Assuming the concept of Free Energy is actually correct and we can extract limitless energy from the zero-point field, just imagine how this would change the world.
In the video which is a compilation of fragments from “The Lost Century”, we can get an impression of how this would look like.
It is however incorrect that we would have no more pollution, since that will not be true. Even if Free Energy would be available, we would still need to create products like microchips which is a very polluting industry.
Also I expect that we would still need plastics which are oil based products.
Recommended Post View: The Lost Century