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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Well, the answer to this question is either
– NO, Absolutely not !!
– YES, of coarse
It depends on the leading worldview and what you understand by the term Globalism.
In our current world, which is dominated by religion and materialism, our leaders will always try to get as much power as possible.
World domination is their ultimate goal. In this context, our leaders will lie to us (what’s new) and try to trick us into the idea that we need globalism to solve all of our problems. Even if these problems do not even exist, like the CO2 story.
In this context, Utolantis does definitely NOT support globalism.
Utolantis is based upon a holistic worldview where we call planet Earth our home.
Utolantis does not support the concept of countries, nations, states or even continents.
Instead of our current world where citizens remain in one location and our food and products travel the world, In Utolantis this is the complete opposite.
In this context, Utolantis definitely supports globalism since it is a core element of it’s design.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very powerful and can be used in any situation where an answer to a question is required.
Nevertheless it is just an “if-then-else”tool. The tool does not really think, it just runs it’s program. In many cases it just runs calculations and generates statistics to make a decision.

For example: Netflix:
You already viewed “John Wick”parts I, II and II!.
Now part IV comes out and the question is:
“Should I recommend John Wick Part IV”
What do you think will Netflix recommend?
In this situation AI can be helpful and does no to little harm.
Another example of a prediction based on your history are your personal google results.
This situation can also be helpfull, but there is a risky side effect since it can lead to “bubble-vision”, where you only see one side of the story and ignore alternative views.
But there are other AI tools like ChatGTP which have a far more complex decision tree structure, but is nevertheless still man-made.
These tools design their answer(s) ( sometimes you get multiple results), based upon logic that is NOT Transparent.
Since Utolantis demands transparency as one of its one of it’s main Quality Gates, the current versions of this kind of tools will not pass the acceptance criteria for software tools.
Absolutely NOT!
Transhumanism is just another facemask that should hide that it is just another name for eugenics.
Other facemasks for eugenics include forced sterilization of people with mental or physical disabilities and the Nazi holocaust among many others.
The basic idea behind eugenics is that we can divide humanity in übermenschen and untermenschen and we should get rid of the last ones.
The history of eugenics goes way back to even Plato at around 400 BC and is still proclaimed today by people like Yuval Harari, Bill Gates and Elon Musk
Utolantis does recognize that the vast majority of humanity has not reached it’s full potential for at least the last 2500 years.
But this does not mean that many of us us are inferior to mankind like the eugenics movement claims.
It simply means that most of us have not been able to grow towards the higher levels of the Maslow Pyramid, the levels 5 and up.
This is also the direct and logical result of out current religious and materialistic worldviews where our leaders do not want their flock to reside on these higher levels.
Utolantis is based upon the holistic worldview where in potential we are spiritual beings and as close to perfection as we can ever be.
We only have to (re)design our future and that is basically what Utolantis is all about.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals as designed by the United Nations as part of Agenda 2030 are NOT followed up by Utolantis.
The main problem with these SDG’s is not that these goals like “No hunger”, “No Poverty” are wrong.
Of coarse not. They are good goals.
The main problem is that implementing them in a world, dominated by materialism and religion, is an absolute Mission Impossible?
This is probably also why nobody can tell you HOW they should be implemented in the real world.
Our global leaders need to keep their sheeple under control on the lower levels of the Maslow Pyramid in order for them to hold on to their power.
And this is in direct conflict with their DSG’s. It is a contradiction in terms by design.
These SDG’s are designed to act as bate for you to set your teeth into. To let you believe their intentions are virtuous.
Even more:
Let us assume that we reached the completion of these goals in 2030.
Then in 2031 a next lunatic will start another (world)war and we can start all over again.
In Utolantis, the vast majority of these SDG’s are already taken care of by design.
This is a very good question.
The answer depends (just like with globalism) on the dominating worldview
In our current (western) world, which is dominated by Materialism, the main ethical rule is: “The Winner Takes All”. With this rule in place, our personal wellbeing is based upon how much stuff (property, money, power) we have. And we look up to those who have gathered lots of personal belongings and money while we do not seem to care about the question HOW they got so rich or what is their added value for the benefit of all humanity.
So, in a world dominated by materialism, you better make sure to have personal property in order to have some level of happiness.
In this context the World Economic Forum (WEF) statement: ” You will own nothing, and be happy”, is complete nonsense, since the WEF concept is based on pure materialism.
Utolantis, on the other hand, is based upon Holism as its worldview.
Humanity lives in harmony with Gaia/Mother Nature where the entire planet is our home.
Based on concepts like the High-Tech Nomad and the Resource Based Economy (from The Venus Project), travelling the world and carrying along lots of properties do not work together so well.
But then again, you can always create or build your own things and give them away to somebody else, once you decide that you don’t need it anymore or travel along.