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Food Supply
As mentioned in our topic on Utolantis Communities:
Each community must be self sustainable as far as energy and food supply is concerned.
Next to that, all food (including clean water) must be completely safe since our physical health is depending on it.
But these safety requirements are not limited to us, humans. They include all living creatures.
Current Situation:
The need for sufficient quality food can be found on level 1 of the Maslow pyramid, so it is essential that one is able to get hold of enough quality food for a decent price.
In our current situation, our entire world is primarily dominated by materialism and as a direct result of that, our rulers see the world as a global battlefield where we have winners and losers and they are the winners. They control the global wealth and poverty distribution.
As a result poverty and therefor the lack of sufficient quality food is by design.
Now this alone is already pretty bad, but it gets a lot worse than that!
Next to the 700 million people (8.5 % of the global population) who live in extreme poverty, the vast majority of the rest of the world population is is eating low quality food and this food quality is dropping as we speak.
Recently it has been announced that obesity is now the biggest health crisis in the world.
Obesity, leading to Diabetes type 2, resulting in heart, kidney and liver diseases has seen an explosive growth in the last 40 years worldwide.
When we zoom into this issue a little, we will discover that at the root of this problem we find several food related causes like:
– Sugar(substitutes)
– The decline of nutrients,
– Ultra Processed food
– Chemicalized agriculture
among others.
Another concern is found in the concept of monoculture.
The basic idea behind monoculture is to increase efficiency and yield by growing just 1 crop on a large field.
The drawback however is that a single disease can ruin your entire harvest. Next to that heavy machines can damage your soil.
Finally it decreases biodiversity.
It is not like “which one is the most harmful for your body ?”, but they all work together in parallel.
Now in theory we have dozens of Regulatory Authorities worldwide like the FDA (USA) who are accountable for our food quality, but in practice they have all been corrupted as became perfectly clear during the Covid plandemic
Utolantis Situation:
Utolantis is based upon a Holistic worldview where we are aware of the fact that humanity has to live in harmony with Mother Nature.

There are no private owned companies who are allowed to do anything to increase their profits.There are no countries or nations than can battle each other.
Instead we have thousands of self-sustaining communities who all have their own food supply. So there are no tomatoes or other vegetables that travel half the planet from farm to consumer.
Utolantis does not have many rules on agriculture since each individual community can decide for themselves how to organize their agriculture.
Some communities may opt for a low-tech solution that requires a lot of manual workforce where others may prefer a more high-tech approach in agriculture and livestock farming.
Since we will no longer proceed with toxic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and other -icdes, our agriculture will be more based upon farming techniques like:
– Organic Farming
– Syntropic Farming
– Permaculture
among others
These techniques have in common that they improve biodiversity and soil quality due to crop rotation.
Drawback of these techniques is however that they require a lot of manual workforce and result in a lower yield per square acre.
This will lead towards an interesting challenge for humanity
Challenge and decisions:
When we investigate why humanity switched to chemicalized agriculture, we hear that is was needed to feed the evergrowing human population.
Checking the data (see the 2 graphs below: Food production and world population ), we see that both food supply and human population increased by a factor of approx. 2.5.
World Food Production since the 1960’s

So, simply stated, this sounds pretty much true!
It also means that declining your food supply would also mean you have to decline your human population.
When we switch (back) to organic/syntropic or permaculture, we would need a lot more ground to grow our crops and people to work on these fields.
Another topic to take into account is that humanity has to stay within the elasticity boundaries of our ecosystems which is to be safeguarded by Eco-Control.
Putting everything together shows us that Utolantis Food Supply is not only taking into account the food quality but also it’s environmental impact on the (local and global) ecosystem.