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A Glocal Community
As mentioned in the Crash Coarse World Peace, Utolantis is based upon a Holistic Worldview, which means that everything in the whole universe is interconnected.
This includes the concept that humanity should live in harmony with Mother Nature (again).
This also means that humanity should learn how to create it’s culture in such a way that it does not disrupt or damage our Ecosystems or Biomes.
In Utolantis, this concept of keeping humanity in harmony with our planet/Mother Nature, is handled by Eco Control.
Having checked the P.I.T. Matrix for a holistic worldview, we see that we have 2 focal points:
- 1) In our Local environment and on short term (Days)
- 2) In our Global environment and on long term (Generations)
In Utolantis we are global citizens and our home is Planet Earth.
Unlike today, we do not have countries, nations, states or even continents.
Instead we have thousands, perhaps even millions of local Communities where each individual community is completely self-sustaining when it comes to water, food and energy supply.
They are accountable for supplying their citizens with all that is required to provide all that is needed on levels 1 and 2 of the Maslow Pyramid.

So, we see that Utolantis is both a global community, but also a local community,
That is why we call it a GloCal Community.
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