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Recommended Pre Read: The Utolantis Community
The High tech Nomad

The Hightech Nomad is one of the unique designs that is key to understand the Utolantis concept.
The initial thought came to me several years ago during a camping trip.
An idea is born:
Late in the evening we were enjoying some drinks and had some snacks.
Inspired by some alcohol, we got to wonder how strange it actually is that the wine came from Chile and South Afrika, the beer from Belgium, the peanuts from the USA, the fruit from Israel and New Zealand etc.
In fact we had all our products come to us from all over the world and the strange part of it, is that we don’t even wonder/think about the absurdity of it. The same goes not just for finished products, but also raw materials,
At that moment, the foundation was created for the concept of the Hightech Nomad.
We should turn things completely around!
Think Differently:
Where we (people) usually stay in the same location, our products and goods travel the world. Turning this around completely, comes with some challenges, but also great benefits.
Also, to enable this concept, some major social changes are required to get this possible.
Therefore we first make a short visit to Utolantis.
In Utolantis we have no countries, no states or borders. Just a bunch of communities.

A Community is like a city or a village, but is completely self sustaining like an eco system.
These communities can be large in size like in the designs of the Venus Project by Jaque Fresco, but also very small like a group of tiny houses.
These communities have a very dynamic population since some inhabitants are just passing by and stay just a day where others stay for a longer period or have decided to reside there for as long as they live. In Utolantis it is planet Earth that is your home!
Globetrotting the planet:
Some of us are as lucky that they have the resources that enables them to travel the world. When they speak about their journeys, they can tell about horrible situations they have encountered, but also about the magnificent beauty of our planet.
When we think about holidays, we also think about recreation (or better we say: re-creation). Visiting new territory and places provides us with a lot of positive energy which we experience as if our internal batteries are recharged.
It generates life force, the force that drives us towards the higher levels on the Maslow pyramid which is THE way forward for humanity.
Since people are no longer restricted to a city or village for work, upbringing or education, these activities are mostly done online.
This implies that all people have access to (mobile) communication tools anywhere anytime.
Work, Upbringing and Education:
As mentioned above, most of our work, raising the children and education can be done online. However, for practical reasons, this may not always be the case.
Sometimes our job requires us to work on a physical location. Some parts of our upbringing, like to train our social skills, is done in physical groups. In those situations we spend some time in a given community but we do not travel on a daily basis back and forth from community to community.
Most people have 2 or 3 personal means of transport. In my case I own a bicycle and a car which give me a certain level of freedom of movement.
Next to that there is public transport in the shape of buses, trains and airplanes.
In Utolantis there will also be public transport, but personal transport will be slightly different. Reason for this is the type of transport that is required for the terrain that you are crossing and the travelling distance. For this reason you will not own your personal means of transport, but you simply lend it for as long as you need it.
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