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Recommended Pre Read: Transformation Overview
Operation Transparency
It is generally accepted that in 1887, (so about 150 years ago!), it was Lord Acton who coined the term: “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”
It basically means that power causes a person to move away from virtue and towards vice. Maybe not always, but certainly in most situations.
For about 150 years, we have seen that these words are pure wisdom.
But… Unfortunately, up to today, we have done nothing with these words of wisdom.

The Utolantis concept takes these words seriously and puts them into practice.
In fact we turn the whole concept of power, corruption, responsibility and privacy upside down and that is the primary basis for our anti-corruption mechanism.
For some weird reason, we have always accepted that those persons with the most money/power also are provided with the highest levels of privacy and lowest levels of responsibility on their actions.
One of the best examples is the BIS Bank. This Bank of International Settlements is the central bank of all other central banks and is located in Basil, Switzerland, but (just like “Vatican City” and the “City of London”) they are completely independent. Not even the Swiss government or military can access their buildings and they have granted themselves absolute diplomatic immunity.
This means that they can do anything they want and there is no way that we can bring them to justice.
At least, not as long as we, the people, accept their rules they made for themselves.
In Utolantis , we have turned this concept 180 degrees around.
Also in Utolantis there will be persons that have huge responsibilities and related power, but this power is inversely proportional with their privacy rights.
Or, put in simple wordings, If you have low power, you have a maximum of privacy, where persons with a lot of power have to do their job in plain sight for all to see and monitor.
In Utolantis we see that the group of persons in the Board of Wisdom, will hardly have any privacy.
Also the local members of the Social Boards will have their privacy limited, but not as much as the persons on the Board of Wisdom.
Some people will argue that you will not find (enough) persons that are willing to take up an powerful position if that means that they have to hand in their privacy.
Well that may be true in our current world, dominated by materialism, but they forget that Utolantis is based on a holistic worldview where truly talented people of integrity will be proud to display their talents in plain sight.
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