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Utolantis Site Navigation Guide
This Site Guide will try to guide you through the Utolantis Concept.
Personally, I find setting up this website for Utolantis, is quite a challenge.
Where should I begin?
Where should you begin ?
Now, if this was a book, I could start with chapter 1 and go from there, but this is not a book.
Also I do not want to dictate or direct you in a specific sequence.
On the other hand, the Utolantis concept is made out of many components/web pages and new components will be added and updated in time as the concept keeps growing.
Checking out just some random topics will very probably confuse you since individual topics are all related to the overall context of the Utolantis Concept.
As long as this overall concept not yet clear for you, you run the risk of judging each individual component on its own and not in context of the whole.
Next to that, also a set of Utolantis Definitions is provided to avoid confusion on what is actually meant by what word.
To give you some directions, I suggest the following:
First you need to understand that we will never ever have real peace on earth as long as we do not understand why we are in the situation that we are currently in (and have been for at least the last 2500 years).
We need to learn that our worldview is the primary basis for peace. Once we choose for the right worldview, peace will come to us by default and automatically.
Checking the menu bar, you will notice 3 tabs:
1) Awareness:
This menu lists some topics that you may need in order to bring your awareness to a higher level. A level that is required to understand why we need a completely new civilization to enable the goal of world peace.
2) Transformation:
This menu zooms in to some of the major changes we have to make to our civilization in order to make a peacefull world possible.
3) Designing A Future:
This menu provides some insights on how Utolantis, our new civilization, would look like.
To support you even a little bit more with checking out this website, many pages have Recommended pre-or post readings.
Recommended Post Read: