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Although I do support (to a given extend) the concepts of libertarianism and anarchism, I disagree with the idea that we should not have some sort of overall (read: global) government.
The top layer of the Utolantis Temple is this so called ” Board of Wisdom”
It consists of just a small team ( 12 to 20 people) whose job it is to give direction and guidance to humanity.
As previously mentioned, when humans reach their full potential of what they even can become, they become teachers in an attempt to guide and stimulate the rest of humanity towards the same.
Example: Buddha
It is said that that at a given moment in time, the buddha decided to meditate under a Bodhi tree.
He was determined to either reach full enlightenment (Nirvana) or die from starvation.
During this 7 weeks of meditation, he was visited several times by a demon called Mara, who send his armies to fight him and even sent his daughters to seduce him.
Finally Mara was defeated and Buddha was asked to either enter Nirvana forever of return and teach others how to reach enlightenment as well. Buddha chose to become a teacher.
Anti Corruption:
Where power resides, also corruption is lurking.
Since the members of the Board of Wisdom are (at least theoretically) the most powerful humans, they do their job in almost complete transparency.
Anybody can check what they are doing 27/7 365.
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