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It is for a reason that the center pillar of the Utolantis Temple is the pillar of Education.
Without proper education, you can forget any possibility of a well working and prosperous civilization.
The Utolantis definition of education includes ALL activities from both the community as well as your own, to grow towards the highest level on the Maslow pyramid as you want to grow.
The concepts of education:
The educational system of Utolantis, consists of the following principles:
- All people have full access to all information that is available anytime anywhere
- The responsibility for education changes while you grow to a higher level!
- Utolantis education includes both intellectual skills as well as social skills
- Education is a life-long event
- Students will become teachers and vice versa
Stimulated, not Obligated
Utolantis is a free and open civilization.
This implies that everybody is free to skip education. It is however not stimulated.
Utolantis is inspired by and in some degree based upon the concept of “True” Anarchism. (Not to be confused with the definitions of anarchy you will find with google)
This basically means that we will avoid government, rules and laws whenever possible.
In contrast with Religion and Materialsm, Utolantis is based on a Holistic worldview where humanity is seen from a positive perspective.
We recognize that humans are curious by nature with an integrated desire for knowledge and will be happy to contribute to a thriving civilization.
From this point of view, there is no need for mandatory education or even to have a job.
Anytime, Anywhere
Utolantis does not limit or restrict any knowledge to anybody.
Everybody should always have free access to all information including educational material.
However, not all communities will have all educational facilities available
These facilities are:
– Online training
– Online VR training
– Personal Class training
– Personal Individual training
Online Training:
Depending on the state of technology we will have available at that time, this is best compared with the online computer courses we nowadays also have where you log on to the internet and perform your training. This will be available at all communities.
Online VR Training:
Quite similar with the Online training, but this one includes Virtual Reality technology. This will be available in most, but not all communities.
Personal Class Training:
This is the standard classroom training with a teacher and a group of students. This type of training will be available at the most communities.
Personal Individual Training:
At some levels or area’s you may need a real 1:1 personal encounter with your teacher or mentor where either you go to the location/community of your teacher or vice versa.
Note: If applicable/practical, these 1:1 sessions with your teacher can also be done online, which makes you both less depending on a physical location/community
A Lifecycle of Learning
According to some spiritual teachers, we are pure spiritual beings who experience a physical body on earth.
And it’s purpose is to learn from it.
Now whether this is absolutely true, partially true or not true at all, is for this Utolantis design not that very relevant..
What is relevant, is that we live and grow towards the best version of ourselves that we can reach. For this reason, our education is a life-long event.
Prenatal Development
As a matter of fact your education starts already with your conception. Recent studies have shown that already before birth, approx. 60% of your neurological connections in your brain are created. Also we know that the physical (smoking, alcohol, sound/noise) and mental condition (depression, stress) of your mother during her pregnancy are important for your development from embryo to fetus to baby. A safe and peaceful environment is key for the birth of a healthy baby.
Infancy and Toddlerhood: 0 – 2 years
During this period the main tasks of your caregivers changes from feeding and sleep schedules to safety inspectors. Your brain development consists of language learning.Also your personal temperament begins to take shape as well as the way you play.
Special attention from the caregivers towards safety is also required since also separation anxiety and the development of attachment styles takes place in this phase,
Early Childhood: 2 – 6 years
The development of language and vocabulary is growing rapidly and you start to understand the concepts of the physical world around you in the sense of time, size, distance. This is also the period where the caregivers have to display ethical correct behavior since this is also the time when the ethical principals of good and wrong start to develop, although it is at this moment too soon to really educate and develop your moral compass. Learning by example is the main task here.
Middle Childhood: 6 – 11 years:
During this period your world expands and you become educated about who we are ( hybrid creature), our human history and how to read body language and how to apply social behavior in order to develop your moral compass, including how to be critical and question everything you are told.
At the same time your basic and general education starts where your intellectual skills (mathematics, logic, science , technology, biology etc. ) will be developed.
Adolescence 12 – 20 years:
Although in age and gender, this may vary a little bit, at this stage your sexual maturation starts along with the development of more abstract concepts like love or freedom. Your basic and general education is continued as well as your social skills. Part of this social education is to actually go out and participate in the community by helping other community members out. Some may call this a social service obligation, but it should not be an obligation.
Another part of your social education is not only to read body language, but also to “read” emotions ( often also called aura’s)
Parallel to this generic part, also your own individual educational path starts to take shape. You learn to discover who you as an individual are, where your weak spots are, where your strong spots are and , above all, where your ambitions lie. At this point in your development, it will also become clear whether you are more a generalist or you have more an affinity towards specialization.
Early Adulthood 20 – 40 years:
While your formal basic and generic education slowly comes to an end, it shifts gradually to your own personal education at as well on the intellectual level as well as on the social level. By now you should have a pretty good idea on who you are as an individual, what your personal ambitions are and what to do in order to reach these ambitions.
During this stage you will also start travelling the world and offer your skills to wherever is request for, that you can supply.
This is also the period where you build up your practical experiences for future teaching skills.
Middle Adulthood 40 – 70 years:
In your personal and individual professional domain, you are most likely a senior and also operating on that level.
However, the world around you is also progressing and changing and you may very well want to keep up with all new and changed developments.
And for those topics where you excell in, your teaching skills will be highly appreciated.
Late Adulthood > 70 years
Typically this is your “Been there, Done That” period.
Your knowledge, social skills and experience are at top level. You have so much to offer.
If you have not done this yet, you can further develop your teaching skills, especially in teaching social skills to the younger children.
Education and Upbringing
With education we mean both the more technical skills, as well as the more social skills.
Technical skills are often also call Hard Skills which are task related competencies and abilities to complete a given task.
Examples of Hard skills include mathematics, technology and physics, programming, engineering or statistical analyses.
Social Skills are often also called Soft Skills which are personal qualities you have that support you in HOW you approach a task or a job.
Examples of Soft skills include creativity, empathy, morality, reading body/mind language or critical thinking.
Both skill sets need to be developed since in your daily life you will need both.
Generalist or Specialist
Although there is no consensus on this topic, it is generally assumed that no person can have all the knowledge available in the world. We can only manage a portion of it.
Next to that we have some people who have detailed and advanced knowledge on a specific topic. We call these people master, specialist or expert.
Others may not have a specific topic in which they excell, but their scope of interest is much wider. We call this kind of people generalists.
Especially in situations of major problems, it is important to have the correct type of person(s) handling the situation.
In the case of complicated problems, the expert is the type of person to turn to.
However, when the problem to solve is both complicated and complex, you need a team that contains both generalists and specialists.
Specialists are good at figuring out the nitty-gritty details of the topic, but their scope is limited to the narrow bandwidth of their area of expertise.
We call this effect: “Expert Blindness”

Especially in situations where the root cause of the problem is diverse and therefore complex, there is a need for a more holistic approach. This is also where the Generalist comes into the picture. They approach the problem with a wide bandwidth and then use several specialists to pinpoint the most relevant root cause(s).
Typically there are several options to solve the problem and each of these options may have an impact on the environment that is outside the scope of the expert. In these cases the generalists decide on which solution to select.
Abraham Maslow coined the expression that if you only have limited scope, you will also try to solve any problem within that scope. Einstein defined it as the definition of insanity.
Tasks and Responsibilities

In the image ” Who is responsible for your education” , we see that this responsibility is closely related to your position on the Maslow Pyramid.
It gradually moves from the community (on the lower levels of the pyramid), towards your own individual responsibility to become the best version of yourself.
Of coarse the Utolantis community will provide you with all the tools and teachings that you will need.
As expected this gradual flow will also follow your age. During your early years, on the lower Maslow levels, it will mostly be your caregivers and community who are responsible for your education. Once you grow towards the higher levels, your personal individuality will take over these tasks.
As also mentioned in “A lifecycle of Learning“, generally during your early ages (on the lower levels of the Maslow pyramid) the responsibility for your education is with your caregivers and/or community. As you get older and grow on the pyramid, the responsibility shifts towards yourself.
The Conscious Competence Model
Designed in the 1970’s, the Conscious Competnce Model is also used in Utolantis.
In the related Video, we see the basic concept of this model and how you can grow from zero to master-level.
Unfortunately what this video does not mention is that those who reached the top level ( Unconscious Competence) is also the perfect level on which you start to teach others.
The Utolantis education concept stimulates all those who have mastered any skill to also start educating the young students.
Doing this also allows you to avoid a dangerous pitfall: Falling back to the (first) level of “Unconscious Incompetence”, especially in the area’s where there is a lot of innovation. New students can trigger you with new insights you might have forgotten since you were on their level.
Universal Information Center:
Transparency is probably the most powerful tool against corruption and other forms of power abuse.
For this reason Utolantis will have an enormous internet-like information center.
Stored in this information center is basically all available information from all area’s like science, technology or education.
All of this information is transparent and available for everybody. It even contains different views on a given topic like the most probable view, but also alternative views and/or insights, including arguments why the most probable view may be incorrect and needs to be replaced in the (near) future.
Parents or Caregivers
One of the topics where the Utolantis concept needs some tweaking, is on the role of the (biological) parents.
We certainly do not want to deny the fact that maternal instincts exist and therefor are real and should be respected.
On the other hand, we also see situations where the biological/genetic mother is not the best person to raise a child.
In many cultures around the world there are differences in the role of the mother, family and community, when it comes to the question how to raise a child.
In Utolantis we use the term “Caregivers” as a generic term where the definition/content still needs to be added in the future.
Educational Syllabus:
Who are we?
It is very important to realize that we humans are very unique creatures.
We are hybrid creatures. We are animals, we are social beings and we are spiritual creatures.
All in 1 physical human body where the current situation determines which one is currently active.
History Revisited
It is a well known saying that states that those who win the war, also write it’s history, and why would they tell the truth?
Next to that, once we take a good look into our past, we will notice that the stories are incorrect.
As a example we can take a look at some ancient megalithic structures or the great pyramid of Gizeh.
The official stories, told us by archeologists are complete rubbish.
Especially in the Western world, we are supposed to believe that our human evolution is in line with Darwin’s evolution theory which can be visualized by a linear line.
In more Oriental cultures or when looking into more ancient scripts like the Vedic writings, we see a more cyclic evolution. An evolution that can explain why we, humanity in the 21th century AD, still can not rebuild the Great Pyramid.
To solve this mystery we need to evaluate all options that can explain all these discrepancies and OOPArts. Even if that includes the concept of the Annunaki /Atlantis civilization.
Once we have our true human history clarified, at least to a level that is far better than the current one, we can perhaps even become / grow towards the level of the gods that we always worshipped.
Science and Technology Revisited:
Once we have revealed our true history, this history may also very well reveil forms of technology we currently hold for impossible.
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