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Recommended Pre Read: WorldView: Holism

What is often heard is that when people say that we need to go “back to nature”, it is understood that we should go back to the stone age.
This is definitely NOT what Utolantis suggests.
In contrast, In Utolantis Science is regarded as one of the 5 pillars that carries the Temple. It is even the first one (from the right hand side ).
It is even more advanced than the amateurish level we see today.
This is because in Utolantis, science is seen from a holistic point of view instead of a materialism.
Main stream Science:
What we nowadays call “real” science, is based on an outdated and incomplete concept which is based on materialism only.
Current (Main Stream) science is, for the great majority, still based on Newtonian physics (and also highly corrupted).
It only takes into account the physical world, and refuses to include the human mind, emotions, consciousness and other forms of metaphysics as a driving force.
It suggests that all forms of metaphysics are derived from our physical brain.
Noetic Science:
The science we talk about, not only includes consciousness, but regards it as it’s primary driver.
It basically turns things 180 degrees around and claims that our physical world is created by a universal field of consciousness.
One example of a group who study and promote this new science, founded originally by Edgar Mitchell, call it noetic science.
You could also say that this new science bridges the gap between main stream Newtonian science on one side and spirituality or ancient Vedic science on the other side.
Note that this new holistic science does not say that Newtonian physics is wrong!
It simply states that it is incomplete and we can still use it in all situations which are purely physical.
Suggestion: “The Field”
It is beyond the scope of this website to go into full detail about this new holistic science, but I would certainly advise you to check it out.
In case this is all new to you, I suggest to get a copy of a book by Lynne McTaggart Called: “The Field”, since it is a great starting point.
Science in Utolantis:
We, humans, are classified in biology as Homo Sapiens Sapiens, which can be translated as : “Humans who are aware of their own awareness”
It is this double awareness (consciousness) that (for as far as we know) makes us different from all other living creatures.
This unique characteristic puts us above some animals like dolphins and elephants from which we know that they can be aware of themselves.
This also allowed us to design language and ask ourselves the big philosophical questions like: ” Who are we”, “Where do we come from” and “what is our destiny or our purpose of life” .
The search for answers to these questions, we can define as science.
Our destiny:
Our search for ‘our destiny’ , or ‘the meaning of life’ was the original question that kicked-off the era of philosophy.
Unfortunately this question has been unanswered for several ages, so I suggest to take another approach.
We can also turn things around and state the following:
“ Whatever the purpose of humanity is, we have been doing it for as long as we exist“
So what we have to do, is figure out our true history which will tell us what the answer is.
And when we do that, we find the following:
When we study the ancient mythology, like the Vedic scriptures, we see that the gods were travelling and exploring the universe with all kinds of technical instruments like rockets and planes. They also had technology that allowed them to consult all available knowledge ‘ In the palm of their hands’ An instrument we nowadays call a smartphone.
So, what we have done in all these ages is figuring out how we can become the gods we have always worshipped and whose technology we can create ourselves.
This also explains why Science Fiction movies/series like a.o. Star Wars, Star Trek or Stargate have always been very popular.
Natural motivators:
We humans have a built-in curiosity, the need to figure out and/or know how things work.
It is this human motivator that drives science.
Another natural motivator is to create things, using this knowledge. This is where science meets technology.
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