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When we think about security, we may very well think of military, police, fire fighters and general security officers. We may even think about secret security agencies like the CIA or FBI.
But will they also exist in Utolantis?
Well…. some of them!
The Utolantis pillar for security stands for keeping things safe for both individuals, individual communities and the utolantis community as a whole.
3 Levels of Security:
The Utolantis pillar for security stands for keeping things safe on:
- Personal Level
- Community Level
- Utolantis Level
On Personal Level:
Security on a personal level is all about keeping you as an individual person, safe and sound. And also to support you to become the best version of yourself.
It includes (together with Education) how to keep healthy, both physical and mental and how to handle any stressful situation in a secure way.
On Community Level:
On community level, we see the more common known security measures like firefighters and emergency aid, but also teams that take care of the safety of our energy supply, food and water supply, housing, and all sorts of infrastructure.
On Utolantis level:
Utolantis is based on some Quality Gates like:
- A civilization based upon a Holistic/Spiritual worldview
- Transparency that acts as prevention against corruption
These Quality gates need to be guarded!
This raises questions on how to safeguard that we do not fall back to a religious or materialistic worldview?
Of coarse ,we could simply forbid it, but we all know that forbidding things do not work in the real world, since they would simply go underground.
What seems to me the best solution so far, it that we make use of Virtual Reality that lets us experience living in a world ruled by materialism and/or religion.
Of coarse these simulations must be realistic and should not be used as some sort of propaganda.
Another point of focus should be that the transparency/anti corruption mechanism remains intact.
In our current (western) civilization, this was actually the role of the media, but unfortunately the media got corrupted and can no longer function.
In Utolantis there is no formal team or institute that has been made accountable for transparency/anti corruption, but instead it is safeguarded by the people.
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