The Social Board

The Social Board is the name of the local governments of each individual Utolantis Community.
Members of this board ( usually between 5- 7 people) are elected by the (semi)-permanent residents of the given Community via a process that we call: True Democracy
For a given period, all Social Board members work together as a team to accomplish the targets specified in the Top-X priority list.
Next to this Top-X list, the community also collects information on Health and Crime.
These figures also provide objective information on how well this team is performing and how many credits they will score once their task is completed.
Generalists and Specialists:
Of coarse, the team can consult experts from anywhere on any complex challenge, but in all cases, the team remains accountable for the result.
For this reason, in practice, you will see that the team-members will rather be generalists instead of specialists.
Generalists may not have expertise on many topics, but they will have a very wide, overall knowledge in general.
Specialists, on the other hand, have a lot of knowledge, but only on a limited scope where tunnel-vision is a very likely risk.T
Once again, it was my good friend Abraham Maslow who once said: “ If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail”
Expert blindness is something we develop within our subconscious mind. You develop a bias as a result of your intimate and extensive knowledge on a very particular subject
This bias which will skew how you see the world and how you act.

Or, in more simple wordings, If problems get complex in a sense that it impacts many areas of the community, it is OK to consult experts, but be very aware that their expertise will also lead them towards a tunnel-vision.
A nice example of where things really got out of control, was during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Here we had veterinarians virologists who advised our governments to take extremely drastic measures for this ….. flu with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) less than 0.5%
Not only these experts were completely off, our own governments blindly followed their advice and drove their own economies to ruin.
To be completely honest, the Covid hoax had nothing to do with any pandemic, but was actually an IQ test for the public, where 80-90% of the population failed this simple test and where the destruction of the middle class was the real target.
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