Recommended Pre Read: Our Worldviews
The 4th Worldview
After checking out our 3 basic worldviews, you might think: “Wait a minute, You missed one!”
In that case you probably refer to one (or more) of the many versions of “the gods”.
These gods are mentioned in the Indian/Hindu mythology, Greek/Roman/Egyptian mythology or Sumerian/Annunaki mythology, just to list a few.
But these gods, they only represented different entities like:
– The earth (Gaia, Terra or Prithvi)
– The sun (Ra, Sol, Helios)
– The moon (Selena, Thoth, Chandra)
or natural forces like
– Fire (Agni, Prometheus, Vulcan) or
– Thunder and Lightning (Obuma, Thor, Indra)
and there were many of them in all kinds of flavors and they were ranked into a hierarchy.

But they did not design and create|:
The Mechanism of which we believe, that it is the driving force behind the functioning of the whole universe.
Which is our definition of a worldview!
And for this reason, it is not formally marked as a Utolantis Worldview.
Although this is a topic on it’s own, there are many reasonable indications that The Old Testament is based on Sumerian clay tablets.
The writers of the OT however, did not just do a 1:1 copy and translate, but they merged all gods and goddesses into this single Superman-Warlord creature that nowadays we call God, Yahweh or Allah.
Next to that there are also numerous other mismatches that can be accidental or deliberate.

As we start to study the ancient Sumerian clay tablets, information starts to surface that our human history is not as we are taught to believe.
People like Erich van Däniken, Zecharia Sitchin and Paul Wallis to name a few , have studied these concepts and have created some very interesting books and documentaries.
Feel free to check them out for further information.