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Recommended Pre View: The Maslow Pyramid
The Hybrid Creature

Many books and other media have tried to define humans as a type of creature and from that basis, explain our behavior and ethics.
Where most of them fail, is in the idea that there is only 1 answer.
Within the Utolantis concept, we recognize humans as hybrid creatures where the type of creature is a result of our position on the Maslow Pyramid.
Those among us who live in a war zone and/or are in immediate danger, they will act animalistic.
They are in a Do-or-Die mode, which is very normal behavior in situations like that.
Once we enter a more relaxed environment, we start to care about others and become a social being.
Some of us, when their personal esteem needs (level 4) are largely fulfilled, will start their spiritual journey.
This journey will gradually also transform us towards a Spiritual Being.
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