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The Re-Integrity Program

In our current world, integrity has come to a grinding halt.
Of coarse we knew already that politicians and multinationals (via their product advertisements) were lying as soon as they opened their mouth.
Also profound people like David Icke, Marcel Messing or Peter Gøtzsche warned us already decades ago that a geat deal of the academic world has been corrupted to the bone.
Yet, it took until the Covid 19 plandemic to make this crystal clear and obvious for all who wanted to see.
The Covid story demonstrated that even your family doctor, who you had trusted all your live, was nothing more than a puppet who simply followed orders from above.
They changed their oath of hippocrates into an oath of hypocrisy.
The few who questioned the government, WHO or other proponents of PCR tests and/or MRNA genetic experiments (sold as a vaccine), they got ridiculed, cancelled, fired or even fined or jailed for remaining honest and ethical.
Next to that, also the Climate Change/CO2 story (among others) has taught us that even the most prestigious titles like a PhD, Dr or professor, have lost all their glamour.
To make it even worse:
The longer you were part of “the system” , the more titles and featherings you received, the more you got indoctrinated and you lost the grip on reality.
So all these titles you worked so hard for, have backfired on you.
The same goes for all your work.
Now, it is also very important to understand that Covid and the Climate Change hoaxes, are just 2 (very clear) examples that shows us the degradation of scientific integrity.
But this process is far from recent.
Although we cannot exactly pinpoint the moment when the decline of integrity started, we can mark the year 1913. In that year both the Rockefeller Foundation (may 14) and the FED (Federal Reserve Bank: december 23) saw their first daylight.
Specifically in the area of healthcare, we see the decline of integrity of both scientific studies and related technology.
Since profit maximization is the only real goal, our enemies have been working for decades to undermine our personal immune system by poisoning our food, air and water supplies.
They can do that since they own the institutions, universities and companies that control our agriculture and food industry.
Now with our immune systems weakened, it is time to introduce Big Pharma to the program. The pharmaceutic industry is founded on oil-based drugs which do not heal, but only mask the symptoms of your disease and at the same time introduce new poisons whose impact we then call: side-effects.
Of coarse this deliberate poisoning works very slow in most cases, so the more profit you can generate for them.
The sad part of it all is that most academics have no clue in what twisted reality they have gotten into.
But many of them ought to know better when they joined a scientific research where upfront was already clear that – in order to get their work published/approved – what the outcome should be.
We know, these academics are not stupid, they are corrupt!
Since many of our scientific studies, but surely not all of them, have been corrupted for many years, it is unclear what is correct and what is wrong.
In order to realize the Utolantis concept, we need to figure out what is right and what is wrong.
This process we will call: The Re-Integrity Program.
It basically means that we will first classify all scientific documentation and those people who wrote or reviewed them as: “Suspicious”
Secondly, we need to re-evaluate and see if they are correct, questionable or simply wrong.
Note that this investigation should also include topics that have been labeled as classified since here we may find the biggest treasures that have been hidden for the greater audience. Or what about inventions that were bought by big companies, but winded up in deep drawers?
Who knows, perhaps we do have great medicines to cure diseases like cancer, or we can generate electricity from the ether.
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