True Democracy

As already mentioned while explaining the Utolantis Community concept, and its government by the Social Board,


True Democracy image

the style of government is what we call: True Democracy.
Since Utolantis consists of many independant communities, each community has it’s own leaders, collected in what we call The Social Board.

In a Nutshell:
This Social Board consists of a small group (5 to 7 persons) that have been elected by the (semi)-permanent residents of that community.
Once elected, they act as a team and work on the top-X priority list that is also supplied by the (semi)-permanent residents.
During their period of reign (approx. 1 year) their results are monitored and, if needed, corrections can be applied.

In more Detail:
Since the communities consist of some residents that may reside for just a few days, there will also be residents that will stay for a longer period.
Those who will stay for a longer period of time, will also be more motivated to make sure that their community is governed properly and in the way they choose.
Those (semi)-permanent residents will design a top-X  (10-15 items) list of topics that either need to be improved or (at least) remain in the good shape they are currently in.

Also, it is determined how many persons will take place in the Social Board since the team size should match the challenges of the top-X priority list.
This top-X priority list is published at the start of the election period, so everybody can see what will be the goals and targets for the new Social Board for the upcoming period of reign. Also included are acceptance criteria to determine if the goals are actually met.
This period of reign can be relatively short like 1 year for young and dynamic communities,  of probably longer like 5 years for the more stable ones.

Now, with this top-X priority list published, candidates for the new Social Board can apply for the job during a promotion period.
These candidates can be members of the same community or anyone else.
They do this by presenting and promoting themselves towards the community members and share their thoughts on how to handle the challenges of the top-x priority list.

After this promotion period, the actual elections begin in a very basic voting procedure where the (semi)-permanent residents make their individual choice.
The votes are counted and the candidates are ranked in order of their received votes. The ones with the most votes are the first to enter the new Social Board for as many persons as the size of the Social Board allows.

The new Social Board members now have to accept their membership in the new team, including a certain level of transparency.
In case one or more -initially selected- persons do not want to be in the same team with other selected members (for whatever reason), they are dismissed and replaced by the next candidate in line  with the most votes. 
This assures us that the motivation to be a team-player is rated  as more important than the number of personal votes you received during the election.

Once the Social Board team is complete, it gets officially installed and the team can start working on the top-X priority list for the duration of their assignment. 
During the assignment, the Social Board evaluates and provides status reports on the Top-X priority list.
At the same time the (Semi)-Permanent residents also monitor the performance of the Social Board members, since the anti-corruption mechanism requires a certain level of transparency of the Social Board members.  

This way of working also shows that the residents decide on WHAT has to be taken care of, where the members of the Social Board take care of HOW topics are taken care off.