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Recommended Pre Read: The Name Of The Beast
Our Vertical Battle
For thousands of years we know about Julius Caesar’s famous quote: “Divide and Conquer“.
It has been and is still used very successfully by thousands of rulers for ages.
It simply means that rulers, in order to keep their own position safe, must make sure that the people/sheeple they rule, keep fighting among each other.
Since, as long as they fight among each other, they will not focus their battles towards their rulers.
And our rulers have a big toolbox at their disposal to create and maintain divisions within their flock.
These tools include languages, cultures, countries, mind-control techniques, religions, pharmaceutics, false-flag operations and since Covid-19, we can also add fake pandemics to this list.
One of the main reasons why they can get away with this is actually pretty simple:
With their “Divide and Conquer” tools, they keep the vast majority of their herd unaware of who we really are and, just as important, who they are
They outsmart the vast majority of the masses since they have occult knowledge about the true psychology of human beings that we do not have.
But, here is the good news!
This true psychological knowledge is not that difficult to get and it is not even complex to understand.
But… it will probably go against your entire belief system what you have been taught indoctrinated during your whole life (in whatever time or culture).
So the older you are, probably the harder it will be to accept this knowledge.
At this moment , it is not in scope for Utolantis to go into detail on this this topic, so instead I can give you some references that do.
A small personal note however: Both Mark Passio and Jeremy Locke are pretty die-hard anarchists, which makes them kind of black and white.
Nevertheless I support their basic thoughts and recommend the following info.
Mark Passio: The Natural Law:
Already since 2007, Mark Passio teaches about the Natural Law via his website What on earth is happening.com in his own unique style.
He teaches not only about the true meanings of good and evil, but also how it is currently applied by our opponents
You can also check out his 2014 seminar via the Utolantis website.
Jeremy Locke: The End Of All Evil
In 2006, Jeremy Locke published his book “The End Of all Evil” (ISBN 0-9777451-0-4) that focuses on what true freedom really is and how it is suppressed from humanity.
Please feel free to e-read this book in English or Dutch.
You can also listen to the audio-book (In English) via this website.|
Sun Tzu: The Art Of War:
In order to defeat any opponent, whether in war, business, sports, politics or other competition, there are tactics and strategies which are thousands of years old, but they still work as well as they did in those days.
Main lesson to be learned here is that in order to win, you should know who you really are and who your opponent is.
Having this knowledge, you can start to see right through their deceptions and tactics.
For more info, feel free to check out some video’s on this topic.
Assuming that you are kind of familiar with the information listed above, you will also start to see that:
- Humanity should not focus on any horizontal battle between left wing vs right wing, western civilization vs BRICS, awake vs woke or any other camp A vs camp B.
- This is a vertical battle between our rulers on one side and you, me and everybody else on our planet on the other side.
And we should become aware that:
Every piece of energy we invest in any horizontal battle:
- Makes us weaker
- Makes them stronger
The question now becomes: How should we do that?
And as Sun Tzu also stated: “Know your enemy!”
They are few in number but they have 2 major weapons:
- tools for deception and mind-control
- A large army of useful idiots (military, police, politicians, bureaucrats, woke a.o.)
Dismantling the first one is already mentioned above.
Once we recognize the games they play and we do no longer play along, this weapon is of no longer use.
We just have to let them know that we no longer play along with their wargames.
Dismantling the second weapon includes that we have to stay in contact and suppress the tendency to confront them directly, since a direct confrontation will most likely wind up in a debate and not a dialogue.
The best way to convince another person is to have him figure this out by themselves.
You tell them the truth and they will have to do their own confirmation or rejection.
Dismantling these weapons of our opponents is a challenging task that may take several decades and requires many, many heroes and supporters to guide humanity through the various levels of “Awakeness”

We do not even have to battle our enemies. We can simply stop listening
The various levels of awakeness:
The Covid-19 scam made it very clear that it was a fake pandemic.
For several decades, ‘conspiracy’ advocates like David Icke, Marcel Messing, Alex Jones and many others, have told us that something like this would happen.
So, from day 1 the Covid-19 scam began, millions of people (where I was just one of them) remembered those predictions immediately and now saw evidence that these people were right all along. Well…. at least to some extend.
Next to that also many people who were skeptical about Covid-19 and/or the related MRNA vaccines genetic engineering, found themselves banned, cancelled, ridiculed or even got fired or had their (practice) licenses withdrawn.
They also saw the light and started to see what is really going on: A war between our rulers on top and we, the people, on the bottom of the battlefield.
In this period (2020 – 2022) there was a great worldwide awakening process going on which also resulted in the arise of dozens of Alternative media stations who started questioning the governments.
But then in early 2022, Russia invaded the Ukraine after which suddenly (surprise surprise) the Covid pandemic ended and the focus of the world media moved to this new exciting event.
Also at about that time the Climate Change story got intensified again.
Unfortunately, about half of the “awake” movement did not recognize that all these events (Including the rise of BRICS and the roll-out of the woke/transhumanism movement) are carefully planned and executed distractions to confuse and create a schism within the awake movement.
Unfortunately most of the alternative media ( called by David Icke “The Mainstream Alternative Media / MAM)” did not see this through, since they do not really see/understand who we are up against.
Therefor the awake movement has at least 2 levels:
On one hand we have those who see that a global elite is trying to take over world domination which is not untrue, but it is only a small part of the whole story.
On the other hand we see those who (as David Icke calls it) can connect the dots.
And it is this second level where many of the Mainstream Alternative Media do not want to go. It is like the second level is too deep down the rabbits hole.
This can be regarded as a problem, but personally I think this is OK since we can turn this into a strength.
Let me explain:
When I was in my teenage years, I was already a kind of a rebel as I was a Die-hard Heavy Metal fan. I already noticed there was a lot wrong with the world.
Then came David Icke in the late 1990’s telling about hidden and evil powers running the show in the background. I listened to what he had to say, agreed immediately with some parts of it, but not all of it. On September 11 2001, I watched the Twin Towers collapse on live-TV. I wondered why they used controlled demolition to bring them down. Days later the Bush administration came with a plan to start a series ow war in the Middle East and seriously diminish the privacy rights for the masses (the Patriot act) which put the secret agencies above the law. The war on Irak was one of these wars where the lies on the weapons of mass destruction were in plain sight for all who were only slightly interested in finding the truth. Since then, almost every week we got bombarded with fake news , bullshit science (climate change), products like food and drugs , based on this corrupted science (Big Pharma) and a further reduction of our privacy and freedom of speech. Then came the Covid plandemic, BRICS, Woke, transhumanism Ukraine and all the rest. And I have not even mentioned everything.
I had about 35 years to digest all this, in a slow pace.
The vast majority of people in the awake movement today however they do not get enough time to process all of this in a steady pace.
Instead their brains get bombarded rapidly with information that conflicts with everything they strongly belief in. This makes their brain go into a sort of hibernate which is actually a good thing, since it acts as a safety mechanism
For this reason I am happy with the Main Alternative Media (although some of them are controlled opposition, so be careful)
They can be seen and used as a generic preparation for the 2nd level.
Therefor my personal advise to those who are in the early stages of awaking, is to check out some of the alternative media since they all bring some truth, but limited to a certain level. Once you feel kind of up-to-it and you want to know more, then make your approach towards the 2nd level.
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