Who is Wil Duis ?
Name: Wil Duis
Gender: Male
Country: Netherlands
Year of Birth: 1964
Role: Designer of Utolantis

Since I was about 20-25 years old, I started to wonder why there has always been so much violence and aggression in our world.
Each time you speak people, -no matter who, when or where- , they will tell you that they strive for peace.
So, if everybody wants peace instead of war, why are we in the situation that we are in?
This question chased me for many years, until the late 1990’s when I first came in touch with the thoughts of some out-of-the-box thinkers like David Icke, Marcel Messing and the concept of the Annunaki as promoted by Zecharia Sitchin.
In first instance I reacted like many of you will have done like ” Are you kidding me?”
But I decided to listen to their stories and keep them in the back of my head. As a backup story if you will.
Next to that, I started to read about lots of topics like spirituality and quantum physics, Intelligent Design, Philosophy, Sociology etc., just as expected for a person who is entering the 5-th level of the Maslow Pyramid (The need for true knowledge) since this is the entry level for your spiritual path.
Then came September 11 2001, The attack on the Twin Towers.
When I watched the live stream of the event and the collapse of the 2 towers, my first thought was: ” WTF! , why are they bringing them down by controlled demolition?”
But very soon after I realized that it was probably the smartest thing to do since if they would collapse in a normal way, it would be like ‘Domino-Day in Manhattan’ where the (collateral) damage to other buildings would be immense.
But to my big surprise the US government came with ludicrous stories like the pan-cake scenario, quran books and magic passports.
So, I now knew for sure that David Icke and co, were not completely mad, but definitely had a point.
It is said that some great composers like Beethoven and (especially) Mozart did not really design their greatest symphonies from scratch, but they kind of received the entire symphony (in full perfection) in one single flash of insight.
The same happened to me in 2003. In a single moment the Utolantis concept became clear to me as in a vision.
And it has hardly changed in over 20 years!
During the last 20 years, I have transformed this metaphysical idea into several notes, documents, presentations, images etc.
I also shared this concept with a small group of people at some times, but up to now, (2024) I have not made any serious attempts to share this concept with a wide audience.
Reasons for me to wait so long and come out with it include :
- If I want to do this, I also want to do it seriously which takes a lot of time. So to some extend I have to make a living out of it in order to support my direct family.
- For more than 20 years I have challenged my own ideas, but I am still as convinced as I was long ago, that the Utolantis concept is close to perfection. I now feel confident enough to challenge anybody to come with a better concept.
- Untill the Covid scam, there was insufficient momentum, since not enough people were awake enough
Why Now?
There are now people waking up and start to see what is really going on, but unfortunately the vast majority of this movement is still searching for the truth to convince themselves (and others) that they are right.
And this is a good thing which I support, but my focus is not on this search for the truth, but on the question:
OK, so now we know who is causing all this misery and for what reason!
But now it is time to do something about it and start creating a better world where situations like this can no longer happen!
Time has come for the Truth movement to enter the next phase and proceed towards a Solution Movement.
This is the point where I come in.
So, I decided to step out of the dark and into the spotlights.