Why a Utopian Concept?
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In a time when almost nobody is interested in utopian concepts anymore, there is Utolantis.
For many people a utopian concept is something unreal, a fantasy that can not be realized.
And, if you check-out most of these concepts, one has to admid that most utopian concepts are not that realistic.
Or, even worse, you would not want to live in a world like that.
Nevertheless, I have chosen for an “almost” utopian concept for Utolantis for the following reasons.

Solving problems:
- within the same system
- within a new system
- within a new level of consciousness

If you want to make this world a better place, then you need to solve some very huge problems, humanity is facing right now.
And there are basically 3 levels of dealing with problems.
Within the same system (but with other/better people) :
You think that with the upcoming elections, if we vote for other people or the other wing ( left or right, whatever wing is currently in power), the problems will be solved.
Or you believe that you need to replace person A with person B for better results.
Well that may work very well for small local problems, but not for urgent and global problems.
Within a new system: ( but still within the same worldview):
You think that (for example) a global government that replaces national governments and self-determination will do the trick.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and World Health Organization (WHO) are fine examples of “solutions” on this level.
They will never ever work, simply because these solutions are created by die-hard materialists who are only interested in gaining more and more power and see the world as a stage where ‘the strong will survive’ and ‘the winner takes all’.
Within a new/higher level of consciousness:
For this level you need to find solutions “out of the box”.
You need to fully understand that new ways are needed to solve our problems. Problems that you start to see as challenges.
In this case, I frequently refer to 2 quotes that are linked to Albert Einstein on his definition of insanity and where he also states that we need to be smarter than those who created the problem in the first place.
This is also where spirituality/holism is required to tackle these challenges.
The 4 levels of consciousness:
OK, now that we know that we need a higher level of consciousness, the big question will be:
“What is that and how do I get there”
Fortunately there is quite some material available on the internet ( at least for now) that deals with the concept of the 4 levels of consciousness.
Interesting about it is that it has also indirect relations with the Maslow pyramid (levels 5 and up) and the basic concept of holism that states that everything in the universe is connected.

Going somewhere:
When everybody tries to solve problems within their own “scope of control” , we will notice that their solutions are pointing in different directions where some of the “solutions” are in opposite direction.
So what benefits country A ( e.g. moving polluting industry to country B) will be a disadvantage (in the long run) for both A and B.
In order to tackle that issue, we need a strategy where we all move into the same direction.

Not only should we all move into the same direction, it is also needed to move towards the right direction.
The journey:|
Next to that we also need to migrate from a religious/materialistic worldview towards a holistic/spiritual one.
And that will not be an easy exercise and it will take a lot of effort and time.
Utolantis is designed in such a way that it acts as the end goal, but it does not tell you how to get there!
So, in that way, Utolantis is a utopian concept.
Once the end goal is agreed upon and fixed, it is up to all individual cultures of the current world to design their own roadmap/journey towards Utolantis, since there will be many different journeys.
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