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World peace introduction
Words of appreciation:
Before we actually kick-off this section, I would like to express my gratitude to everybody who is striving for (world) peace.
You people do a great job!
But, unfortunately, all this effort, time, money and energy spent is mostly in vain. It is in vain simply because we do not tackle this issue by it’s roots.
The Quest:
Masters of wisdom and apes with guns:
When we go way back in time, about some 2500 years ago, we had some great masters walking among us.
Masters like the Buddha, Socrates, Lao Tzu or even (500 years later) Jesus. They spoke words of great wisdom
Now if humanity had learned anything from these words of wisdom, these words would now be considered as ‘old fashioned’ and we would have had new masters of wisdom.
Humanity has learned close to nothing and our social evolution has come to a standstill.
Even worse, from a technological point of view, our evolution has exploded, especially since the last 4 or 5 decades. We now have enough weapons to destroy our own planet multiple times. Actually using atomic bombs and threatening to do it again has showcased that we are not as civilized as we think we are.
We are still the same ape, but now with far more deadly weapons.
The quest:
Some 25 years ago, I was, like so many others, trying to figure out why we are still fighting war after war after war and call the gaps between 2 successive wars, a period of peace?
And why are we fighting?
When I ask any randomly selected person from whatever age, gender or location why they like war so much, they all say: that they do not love war, but they want peace.
They tell you that they do not want war of get into a fight, but they have to.
They have to defend themselves from the other ones.
But if everybody is in defense mode, who is attacking and why?
First thing that came to mind was actually pretty straight forward: Religion
Once you zoom into religion a little bit, it soon becomes clear that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are just 3 dialects within the same language.
They all find their foundation in Abrahamism, as written down in the Old Testament.
It is god, Jahweh or Allah himself who is the aggressor.
But not all wars are religious wars, so the quest had to continue.
Many times I heard the phrase that money is the root of all evil, which also makes quite some sense, but also that did not cover it.
The ID:
In 1996, the American biochemist Michael Behe, launched his book “Darwin’s Black Box” where he presented his vision on irreversible complexity.
This basically states that some organisms (like an eye) could not have evolved via small modifications as part of the process of natural selection.
Therefor the concept of Darwinism (a.k.a.: Evolution Theory) must be wrong or incomplete, he argued. This fired up the discussion on Intelligent Design.
This discussion on Intelligent Design is a fundamental discussion between Creationists ( those who believe that god created the universe as claimed by the book of genesis) on one side and those who believe in the Darwinian Evolution Theory on the other side.
In that same period, I also got interested in topics like the zero point field (a.k.a.: Akasha Field) and similar concepts where science (quantum physics) and spirituality seem to meet.
The Institute of Noetic Science is one of the primary drivers for this new vision.
This new movement is looking at both very state-of-the-art quantum physics and sees great similarities within ancient wisdom.
Also very interesting is the fact that this movements adopts the concept of Intelligent Design, but they do not participate in the discussion on Intelligent Design between the Creationists (worldview: Religion) and those who believe in the Evolution Theory (worldview: Materialism).
To put it pretty simple, they disagree with both Creationism and Darwinian Evolution Theory, but state that the driving force between everything in the universe, is a sort of energetic field that is conscious. From this field, everything, both physical and metaphysical, derives.
But wasn’t this basically the same as what Buddhism, Taoism and numerous other belief systems or even myths, have been telling us for centuries?
Our Worldviews:
At this time, I understood that humanity is divided in 3 basic groups where each group has a different belief of how everything in the universe is organized.
Group1: These people believe that the god of abrahamism is in control of everything that happens in the universe.
This group, we call: Religion
Group 2: These people believe that pure coincidence is the driver behind everything that happens in the universe. Also it is physical matter that is the only and fundamental reality.
This group we call: Materialism.
Group 3: These people believe that a sort of universal intelligent force field is the driver behind everything that happens in the universe. It states that both physical and metaphysical things are derived from this force field.
This group we call: Holism.
The RGB schema:
When we check the colour schema, we can ask ourselves how many colours we actually see.
Many will say there are thousands of them in this picture, while others will state there are only 3 of them, Red, Green and Blue, since all the others are just mixes of 2 or 3 of them.

The same goes for our worldviews: There are many of them since each individual person can have it’s own ideas, but in the end they all go back to just these 3 primary versions: Religion, Materialism and Holism.
Note!: Personal Worldview:
An important note must be made here, since individual persons may very well have a mixed worldview or simply not a clear picture of what they actually believe to be the correct worldview.
For example , a person who claims not to believe in a god, but is afraid to go to hell, when he/she commits a serious crime.
Or those who believe “there is something more”, but not knowing what that “Something” actually is.
Also many people in the western world have a personal worldview that contains a little bit of all 3 flavors.
The same actually goes for communities and/or countries. In the Netherlands, for example, the Dutch culture is a mixture of all 3
Missing the point:
When we read topics on ethics and moral behavior, we can find thousands and thousands of books, articles and documentaries. For over thousands of years people like famous philosophers have tried to come to a generic understanding of what should be decent and just moral behavior for individuals, communities and states.
Despite of all their effort and good intentions, all these honorable people, they completely missed the mark.
They missed the mark, because they did not take into account that different people have different worldviews.
As a direct follow-up result of this, they also failed to see that it is our worldview that primarily drives our ethical behavior.
It also explains why we have frequent ethical clashes within our country, state or society between 2 (or all 3) worldviews.
For this reason and to avoid discussions on the exact meaning of the word: Ethics, we will define it as:
The translation of our leading worldview into concrete:
- Rules of behaviour
- Norms and values
- Laws
In the upcoming paragraphs, we will look at the ethics for all 3 worldview, but we will look at them in their purest and most basic shapes.
So how would a country or state look like if it contains only 1 worldview?
Ethics and Religion:
If Religion is to rule the country, it’s leaders will first try to enforce a specific version of this religion and make this dominant for the whole community.
Next they will enforce a set of rules on the citizens, in full alignment with their specific interpretation of their holy scriptures and (optional) a set of cultural habits like genital mutilation.
Once these lines are set out, the citizens have to either live their lives by these rules or become a heretic.
If chosen for (or accused of ) heresy, one is no longer seen as a part of the community and should be banned, locked up or even terminated.
In case you want to set an example for others, you can organize public executions for all to see.
So, for example the Christians burned people (preferably women) alive after being accused of being a witch, whereas Islamic State videocasted their public executions.
Those who question the set of rules or do not exactly know how to act in a given specific situation, one should consult a religious leader like a priest, rabbi or imam.
It is also in the interest of these religious leaders to keep the flock as ignorant AND anxious as possible, since this is the only way to keep the herd under control.
Ethics and Materialism:
Although Materialism is actually older than Religion, it really came to live during the so called “Age of Reason” that started to dominate the European culture in the 18th century BC. As far as the universe and how everything in the universe operates, it relies on Darwin’s Evolution Theory, but as far as ethics are concerned, the pure materialist looks at the animal kingdom and states that the same laws that are valid for animals, also apply to humans since a human is also an animal. For this reason it is the law of the jungle that also acts as the foundation for human ethics. It’s most typical ethical expressions are a.o.:
- Survival of the Fittest
- The Winner takes all
- Greed is good
- Do as thy wilt shall be the whole of the law ( Aleister Crowley)
This also explains why the pure materialist sees our whole planet as one big battlefield where it is only natural to strive for world domination.
Our history, although very unreliable, shows us several attempts to create such a world order, such as the British Empire, The Mongol Empire or the Roman empire.
The ultimate dream of the pure materialist is a world empire, with a centralized global world government, and the only way to achieve that is by total obedience and oppression of the population. The best way to achieve that blind obedience is to spread (fake) fear, eliminate all opposition and use the best mind control techniques available.
The fake-Covid pandemic was/ is the current attempt to create such a global totalitarian state.
As a spin-off of Darwin’s Evolution Theory, in the early 1900’s the eugenics movement was reignited again by Francis Galton.
The basic idea behind eugenics is to improve humanity by either promoting the procreation of “good people” or prohibit the procreation of “bad people”.
Eugenics was quite popular and was educated at many universities over the whole world .
Next to dozens of well documented examples like forced sterilizations of Native Americans, the eugenics movements reached it’s pinnacle of horror during the Holocaust.
After the holocaust, the eugenics movement went kind of underground, but nowadays it has found a new stream called ” Transhumanism” where we no longer speak about good or bad people, but more about people who are still old fashioned flesh and blood and those who have enriched their bodies with (nano)technology.

Ethics and Holism:
Within the worldview of Holism, everything in the universe, whether it is physical or not, is connected and has a role to play in the Big Picture.
This Big Picture ( a.k.a. Mother Nature ) can be seen as a set of integrated ecosystems that together shape the earth’s ecosphere (a.k.a. Biosphere).
Each individual ecosystem is self- sustaining up to a certain level. This means that it holds a certain level of elasticity and therefor you can stretch it to a certain level before it breaks.
Humans differ from other living organisms in the sense that they can push this elasticity towards a level where we can severely damage ourselves and other living organisms.
So it is important to design our ethics in alignment with Mother Nature.
Unfortunately we can hardly find any practical, historical or actual, examples of countries or communities that were pure holistic, but fortunately many cultures contain holistic elements.
The concept of Humanism is a nice example of an ethical system that puts our personal and individual human interests and wellbeing in the first place.
Unfortunately Humanism is limited to humans only and does not take into account other living organisms or our ecosystems.
The same goes for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), that contains 30 declarations which are pretty OK, but are also limited to humans only.
The best example of holistic ethics I could find originates from the wicca movement where they have a Golden Rule that states:
” An it Harm None, Do as thy Wilt”
The meaning on “None” includes all living organisms and ecosystems, so it is in line with the holistic worldview.
Drawback of this very simple ethical base-rule is that it is takes not only very strong developed social skills to put it into practice, but if your action is good or bad is not only depending on the receiving party, but can also change in time.
Also this single rule can not be the only rule, since we will also need additional rules and laws. Take for example traffic laws.
We will still need this kind of rules to have a smooth running culture.
The Demonic Alliance:
Maybe you already noticed that the leaders of materialistic and religious communities have quite similar ideas on how to stay in power and how to control their flock.
There is an old proverb that states something like:
” The King told the Cardinal: If you keep them ignorant, then I will keep them poor”
And although this is a kind of funny phrase, it is actually a bitter truth and the essence of it’s meaning is today still as actual as it was a couple of centuries ago.
Also it will not stop until we, the people, end it.
What we can see very clear once we focus out attention on it, is that the very rich and powerful, frequently team up with religious fanatics to join forces.
We saw this during the times of the inquisition in Europe, but also more recently with the attempt of Islamic State (IS) to realize a caliphate in Iraq/Syria.
This Demonic Alliance is also the reason why these groups became so rich and well-organized in such a short period of time.
Just follow the money and you will see how things really are.
The Maslow Pyramid
The Maslow Pyramid, also known as The Hierarchy Of Needs, is a psychological model, created by Abraham Maslow in 1943.
It describes what drives people and in what sequence. Although it is a model, so we should not take it too literal, it provides us with a clear understanding of our personal growth path and where we stand of this scale.
Originally it had 5 levels, where the 5th layer was called ” Self Actualization”. After initial publication, this 5 layer version became the default version and this is also the version that is mostly taught nowadays in classes.
Abraham Maslow himself however struggled with this 5th level and made an update after he studied very successful persons for many years while he improved his pyramid.
Eventually the Maslow Pyramid has 8 levels and this is also the one we will be using at Utolantis.

The Utolantis-Maslow pyramid:
To get a good understanding of the Utolantis concept, it is very important to get a good understanding on how this pyramid works.
In case you are unfamiliar with it, please check-out this great tutorial from PsychTruth.
Interesting about the Maslow pyramid is that, although it is just a model, we can look at it from several angles.
One of them is to see which powers drive us upwards on the pyramid and which ones drive us downwards.
When we examine this, we will see that fear is the great downwards driver and that a power we can call Life Force is the one that will stimulate us to move upwards.
Mapping our worldviews to the pyramid:
Once we understand that fear is the basic power that drives us down, it becomes also pretty clear that, if we want to live in a world where not war but peace is the normal modus operandi, we should select a worldview that stimulates the people towards the higher levels and not one that uses fear to drive us downwards.
And this means that religion is the first one to bite the dust. Religion is based on the concept that you must always obey the laws of God, Yahweh or Allah (or obey the ones who claim to act in his name). If you do not, or make a mistake, you run a serious risk to burn in hell forever. For this simple reason alone, a religious person will always live in fear.
Many Christians even call themselves ” God fearing citizens”. How low (on the pyramid) can you go?

Within a materialistic system, there is always a battle raging. A battle between the strong and the weak, winners and losers, the rich and the poor, or the haves and the have-not’s. This perpetual battle forces everybody to always be on guard, since you never know who, how or when the next attack will take place. So, once again, a worldview based on fear.
In sharp contrast with religion and materialism, we have the holistic view on humanity. Holism is based on interpersonal cooperation and alignment with the natural laws of Mother Nature.
Many Eastern philosophies contain a concept of enlightenment. In Buddhism this is called Nirvana which is basically the same as the meaning of Transcendence, the highest level on the Maslow pyramid.
Religion and worldpeace:
Only possible when:
All people on earth would convert voluntarily to just 1 single version of the 3 Abrahamic religions.
We may safely state with 99.99% certainty that this is never ever going to happen.
If God/Jahweh/Allah would really be all-knowing and Infallible, he would never ever make up rules which are in direct conflict with the rules of Mother Nature.
Living in such a world is in direct conflict with the human nature.
Materialism and Worldpeace
Only possible when:
A single group of persons takes absolute global control by using either brutal or very subtle violence.
Also using the best indoctrination – and other mind control techniques possible.
An absolute totalitarian state with an extreme version of a social credit system is also crucial.
Living in such a world is in direct conflict with human nature. For this reason, the basic and fundamental human behavior must be changed with advanced technology.
Transhumanism is such a concept when technology winds up in the wrong hands.
Holism and worldpeace
Only possible when:
Humanity starts to realize that a holistic worldview is not merely the only way to achieve a goal like worldpeace, but also that worldpeace is not something you have to strive towards, but comes integrated with holism.
Our social skills have to be developed towards a very high level.
Also we have to design a future where we have learned from our mistakes and implement quality gates that prevent us from backsliding towards religion or materialism.
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