Recommended Pre Read: Our Worldviews
Worldview: Holism

God is:
Although holism and spirituality are often seen as part of a religion, it’s concept of a worldview is completely different.
In fact, it is more a direct opposite of materialism.
Within holism, everything in the universe, including both physical and metaphysical components work together to shape the whole where the whole is more than just the sum of it’s individual parts.
The driving force behind it, is therefore a sort of energetic and conscious force field that connects to everything in the universe.
It is also known by many names like:
- Zero Point Field
- Akasha Field
- Gaia
- Ch’i
- Pranha
- The Force (like in the Starwars movies)
Physical elements like atoms or even whole planets have low frequency and high density where metaphysical elements like thoughts and ideas have high frequency and low density.
Since everything is connected, all actions have (one or more) reactions.
If we know the correlation between action and reaction and this is an undesired or harmful reaction, we automatically become responsible for our actions.
It is this responsibility that drives our ethical behavior.
Although there are multiple streams of holistic groups, it is the wiccan movement who defined a Golden Rule that states:
An it harm none, do as thy wilt!
The Wiccan Rede however is not restricted to humans, but includes the whole universe.
Although the rule is as simple as can be, putting it into practice is a completely different ballgame.
For example,
If I tell the same joke to persons A and B, it can very well be that person will find it hilarious where person B is deeply insulted.
So the impact/reaction of my action is not always upfront predictable, but it is heavily depending on the receiver.
This implies that we need to master excellent social skills and develop shields so that we do not get offended or insulted easily.
Discussion Techniques:
Most people with a holistic worldview have a need for (true) knowledge.
They want to understand things for themselves or want to know who or what they can safely rely upon.
When discussing with other people on a given topic they will use the dialogue technique.
The idea behind a dialogue is that you mix your own opinion with somebody else’s opinion and that you will always learn at least something from your opponent.
This always results in a win-win situation even if you eventually agree to disagree.
Organic Interactions:
There are interactions between human individuals and between any living organisms on multiple levels.
Although multiple spiritual schools use slightly different definitions and naming conventions, on average they assume 5-7 levels between the pure physical body and the highest metaphysical layer. This highest layer is also sometimes named the nirvanic body, divine body or causal body.
The “lowest” levels are more directly related to our physical body, where the more higher layers interact on multiple organisms.
Some people can actually make contact with these higher levels and this explains paranormal phenomena like mind reading.
Although human civilizations, for at least the last 2500 years, have been dominated by either a religious – or materialistic (or a combination of) worldview, we do not have any historical examples of how a holistic civilization would actually look like.
However, we can identify some holistic elements in multiple cultures which have resulted into:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Nuremberg Code
The probability that the holistic worldview is an accurate interpretation of how everything in the universe operates, is in full alignment with:
- Modern post-Newtonian science (like quantum physics)
- Many ancient spiritual belief systems
- the gut feeling of most people
If we give it a rating, it will be around 75-80%
The concept of Utolantis is based upon a holistic worldview, since this is the only possible way to ever achieve a civilization where world peace is an intrinsic property