Recommended Pre Read: Our Worldviews
Worldview: Religion

God is:
The god of the Old Testament is the supreme Superman-Warlord that makes up the foundation for both Judaism, Christianity and Islam where he is called many names like Jahweh, God or Allah.
These religions are also collectively known as Abrahamism.
This god created the whole Universe and humanity in his own image which implies that god has ownership over our lives and will one day justly pass eternal judgment upon us.
Next to that, god is almighty, all-knowing and infallible.
Since god does not communicate directly with all humans, he selects some of us to inform the people on his wishes and commands.
These wishes and commands have been formulated in very cryptic messages in numerous holy books where they are open to multiple interpretations.
To make things even more complicated, god selected several different versions of his wishes and commands.
These 3 main versions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
Although he himself does not follow his own rules and laws, we humans must obey these wishes and commands strictly, otherwise hell awaits.
This is required because humanity is inclined towards evil and therefor needs constant guidance.
In situations where next to religious laws, also secular laws reside, the laws of god must prevail.
Discussion Techniques:
Ethical discussions with religious people is actually impossible by definition since god’s rules are not man-made and full of logical inconsistencies.
Therefor they are usually circular reasonings and such reasonings lead us nowhere.
As a result, most discussions lead to dogmatism.
Organic Interactions:
There are no interactions between human individuals or between any living organisms.
Therefore paranormal phenomena like mind reading do not actually exist, but just (magic) tricks like cold-reading.
Since this presumed infallible, all-knowing and almighty god told at least 3 different groups op people that they are his chosen ones, he also gave each group instructions to fight the other 2 and even those without a religious worldview.
Even more, he arranged multiple schisms within Christianity ( e.g. Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) and Islam ( e.g. Sunni and Shia) which are currently or have been in the past, at war with each other and this keeps continuing.
Thanks to our religious worldview, planet Earth has been bombarded with religious wars for at least the last 2500 years.
Next to these religious wars, religion has also resulted in accomplishments like:
- Purification projects (the crusades, the Inquisition, ISIS, and many more )
- Sexual abuse (of young children, incest/pedophilia)
- Masculinity (women are inferior)
- Overpopulation
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